- SUNGEO::available_dataData availability through SUNGEO API
- SUNGEO::cc_dictCountry code dictionary
- SUNGEO::clea_deu2009Constituency level results for lower chamber legislative elections, Germany 2009.
- SUNGEO::clea_deu2009_dfConstituency level results for lower chamber legislative elections, Germany 2009.
- SUNGEO::clea_deu2009_ptConstituency level results for lower chamber legislative elections, Germany 2009.
- SUNGEO::gpw4_deu2010Population count raster for Germany, 2010.
- SUNGEO::hex_05_deuHexagonal grid for Germany.
- SUNGEO::highways_deu1992Roads polylines for Germany, 1992
- xSub::xSub_census_individual_rawCensus of individual-source event-level datasets in xSub (updated June 15, 2020)
- xSub::xSub_census_individual_spatialCensus of individual-source panel datasets in xSub (updated June 15, 2020)
- xSub::xSub_census_multiple_rawCensus of multiple-source event-level datasets in xSub (updated June 15, 2020)
- xSub::xSub_census_multiple_spatialCensus of multiple-source panel datasets in xSub (updated June 15, 2020)